Working with The Moon


Mantras for the Phases of the Moon

Using the Full Moon Calendar you will know the exact cycle that the Moon is in. Expanding (Gibbous), Reducing (Waning), Dark Moon (the darkest part of the cycle), New Moon (the expanding Crescent Moon Cycle) and of course the Full Moon (the pinacle of the Luna Phases with the greatest light). Knowing these phases you can then incorporate these nourishing rituals, mantras into your life!

New Moon

I am open to the magic that each new beginning brings

I set my intention, I breathe

Actions for the New Moon

Time to set goals and make promises

do rituals of cleansing and visioning

If you want something to grow, start it now!

Swim naked!

Feel your intention.

Create a new positive feeling based intention and make it just about you

Waxing Crescent Moon

I am confident in my direction and relax with my intention

I breathe

Seeds Sprout

Time to refine your vision

Time to start healthy habits

First Quarter Moon

The tangible actions I take lead me closer to my dreams

I take discerning action to support my intention

Roots develop

Time to be brave and creative

Waxing Gibbous Moon

I am open to refining my vision and adjust as needed

I trust that the perfect intention is coming to form at the perfect time

Buds form

Time to take stock

Time to show your work and ask for input.

Full Moon

I fully embody my magic and celebrate my progress

I move ahead with my intentions now or I accept that my intention was not for the best at this time, I release it and course - correct now

Plant in Full Bloom

Time to celebrate and see

Time for a sacred pause

Waning Gibbous Moon - Disseminating Moon

I am thankful for my blessings and the lessons I’ve learned

I feel grateful that my intention is coming into form in the perfect way. I receive with gratitude

Time to teach and share wisdom

Time to celebrate abundance

Last Quarter Moon

I release the negative energy and habits that bind me

Now that I am receiving my intention, I give back from a place of abundance

Time for questions - how well did I do?

Time to change perspectives

Waning Crescent Moon

I surrender to the universe and allow myself to rest

I reflect with Thanks, I rest and restore

Seeds to disperse

Time to let go